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茯砖茶属于黑茶中的珍贵品种,为后发酵茶,具有极特殊的发花工艺。其特别风味和保健功效深受消费者青睐。为茯砖茶得到更好地研究与开发,就茯砖茶所富含的茶多酚、茶多糖、氨基酸、咖啡碱等多种成分及其减肥降脂、降血糖、抗氧化等保健功效进行综述,同时探讨了目前茯砖茶研究过程中存在的问题,展望了茯砖茶未来的发展前景,对茯砖茶的进一步加工利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
在被称为"写女性心理最好的男作家"的毕飞宇的小说创作中,也有一群平庸无为的男性形象。短篇小说《男人还剩下什么》是他关注男性生存状态的特写,是他创作中的沧海遗珠,以独特的价值展示着他对于男性生存现状的探究。一方面,他通过对男性形象感情世界的挖掘,展现出当下男性感情世界"失语"的状态:爱的能力与人性纯真的丧失,雄性力量的失落;另一方面,他以第一人称的叙事方式和反讽调侃式的个性标识语言,表现男性主体精神。同时,他又在一定上超越了男性立场,让读者感受到男作家的特质以及普世的人文关怀。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、比较分析、逻辑分析等方法,阐述了高校体育课中"特殊学生群体"的体育课的现状,分析其导致现状的原因有场地、资金紧缺,师资不足,重视程度不够等等,并提出开设体育保健课、运动养身课与棋牌类项目课程等多种课程,以及采用多种教学形式等的对策,并提出建议。  相似文献   
我院承担的一项重要任务就是保障退休老首长和干休所老首长的健康.为解决老首长健康状态的实时监测问题,设计了一个基于Windows Azure云平台的远程无线监护系统,医生利用该系统在办公室或家里就可以实时查看老首长的血压、血糖、心电监测等身体状况,并且可以在危急值超过阈值时以短信方式提醒医生.实际应用表明该系统节省了医生寻访的时间、减少了老首长突发心脑血管病的概率.  相似文献   
做好当前的学生思想政治教育工作,必须注重强化人文关怀和心理疏导,实施经济资助与关"心"服务并举,建立分类引领、全员参与、覆盖全程的人文关怀教育机制,营造出全员、全过程、全方位、全环节育人的良好氛围,彰显教育效果、和谐校园,从而培育出全面发展的人才。  相似文献   
针对周期性服务需求的居家医疗与护理资源管理问题,提出一种基于插入法和节约算法的禁忌算法。该算法综合考虑客户接受服务的日期、客户的服务等级和客户访问次序,在初始解基础上进行邻域搜索,每次邻域搜索选取部分客户,搜索其所有可能的服务日期、服务等级对应的调度方案,选择成本最低的方案作为邻域搜索的最新解。邻域搜索中变换过的客户将列入禁忌表,在禁忌步长内不予变换。通过多次迭代,求解结果向最优解方向收敛。对随机生成的算例及基于标准 Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)算例构造的算例进行仿真验证,并与 Rolling Horizon Myopic Planning Approach (RHMPA)算法求解结果对比,实验结果表明,该算法在一定运行时间内适合求解客户规模低于500人的案例,且求解结果优于 RHMPA 算法,多次求解的结果相对误差仅为0.94%。该算法为家庭护理管理和计划调度问题提供了新的算法设计优化思路,对提高当前我国相关产业的管理和调度水平具有现实意义。  相似文献   
Nests of Schneider’s dwarf caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, were located in the forests around three streams that drain into the Xingu River, Brazilian Amazonia, in October 2014. Camera traps were installed at the edge of four nests to document predators and female parental care. At two nests, females unsuccessfully defended their nests against one or more giant armadillos, Priodontes maximus, and nine-banded armadillos, Dasypus novemcinctus. Both armadillo species responded to the attack by fleeing and returning on the opposite side of the nest by going around the tree under which the nest was located. Giant armadillos have never before been recorded consuming caiman eggs and their diet has been described as consisting mostly of ants and termites. Another species of armadillo, Cabassous unicinctus, was also registered digging into a nest and probably consuming eggs, though it is generally considered to be primarily insectivorous. A tayra (Eira barbara), lizard (Tupinambis teguixin) and coati (Nasua nasua) were also registered taking eggs from nests during the day, but we obtained no registers of nest defence by caimans during the day. The three nests were attacked after 60 days of incubation, when the eggs were well developed.  相似文献   
Nesting behaviour of a large-sized dung beetle, Scarabaeus catenatus (Gerstaecker), was observed at the Tsavo West National Park, south-eastern Kenya. Although this species is taxonomically a member of a dung-roller group (that is, subfamily Scarabaeinae), it had not only a rolling behaviour but also a tunneller behaviour for nesting. In the former case, the scarab rolled a chunk or a ball of dung some distance (0·5–15·5m) away from the dung pat and buried it under the ground. In the latter case, it dug a tunnel near the dung pat (0–1 m) and transported several pieces of dung into the burrow. In both cases, brood nests were completed by a female alone or by male-female co-operation. Four days after dung burial, the female made one to four brood balls out of buried dung, in each of which she deposited an egg. On the other hand, the male left the nest soon after the female completed oviposition. Even after oviposition, the female stayed in the nest and cared for her progeny until they emerged. This indicates that S. catenatus is subsocial. A major source of offspring mortality was likely to be predation by driver ants (Dorylus sp.). Most females seemed to breed one time in each of two or more successive rainy seasons.  相似文献   
Extended parental care is described for two endobenthic amphipods which inhabit the estuarine soft-bottoms along the Gulf of Maine. The juveniles of both amphipod species, Leptocheirus pinguis and Casco bigelowi, remain in the burrow of their mother after they hatch from the brood pouch. Several consecutive clutches of L. pinguis can inhabit the female's burrow simultaneously, but in C. bigelowi there is always only one clutch of juveniles in the burrow of the female. Larger juveniles of L. pinguis start building their own small tubes at the bottom of the female's burrow. Casco bigelowi females increase the size of their burrows during the time when the juveniles grow. The juveniles of both species leave the female's burrow at about half adult size. The major tasks of female L. pinguis and C. bigelowi during the time of extended parental care is to irrigate and maintain the deep burrow. It is hypothesized that extended parental care in L. pinguis, C. bigelowi and other tube/burrow-living peracarids is a mechanism to protect small offspring from epibenthic predation.  相似文献   
结合工作实际,从“读者”和“馆员”的角度,阐述了图书馆人文关怀的内涵,分析了图书馆实行人文关怀的必要性,探讨了人文关怀下的图书馆服务效应。  相似文献   
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